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Should I care?


Well, it’s been a few days…or more…but I am back now.

It’s hard being a writer (and an artist). Not hard like risking my life, like police officers and firefighters hard, but hard because there is so much inner conflict involved.

I want to write and paint what is inside me. I have so much to say and show. But on the other hand, I know what I have to say is not important. Sure, everyone is important to someone, and my kids are still young enough to think I’m important for now, but I know I’m not actually important. Writing today especially, I know nothing I have to say is really actually of value.

Value is found in the people who help others. The people who dug through rubble looking for loved ones- their own loved ones or others’ loved ones. Value is found in people giving their time, energy, sweat, maybe even blood for another person. Value is in one person caring about another person, even when that person can’t give them anything in exchange.

So, I know my essays, my poems, my short stories, my drawings, my oils and acrylics, do not really matter. I get it.

It’s also scary because it’s so personal. I know people might hate my work, but my work is not just work. It’s me. When someone hates my art, my words, it’s like they hate me.

Don’t get me wrong- I’m sure there are plenty of people who dislike me even without seeing my work. It’s still scary to put so much of myself out there on display, giving the critics a free ride straight to my heart.

Should I care what they think? Maybe not. Do I care? Unfortunately, yes. Or maybe, fortunately. Maybe that is what makes me human. Maybe that is why I write. Maybe that’s why my kids think I’m important, because I do care.

Anyways, I have a meeting tomorrow regarding one of the novels I am working on. And I am meeting with the awesome Mrs. VanCardo on Tuesday to see if I have the illustrations right for her children’s story. Hopefully the caring comes in handy.

Until next time.




Hello world! This is the first one…

So, I have decided to join the world of blogging. We shall see where it takes me, and those who decide to read my posts…

A little about me: I am a mom, a wife, a writer, an artist, a lacto-vegetarian, and an animal lover. In the past, I have been a waitress, a caterer, an office manager and small business owner, a model, a Licensed Massage Therapist, and more.

I love books, movies, swimming, all things beach (besides sharks-they’re scary), and sunsets. I enjoy plays, concerts, sporting events, riesling, merlot, Bud Light, apples, and hummus. I like finding good deals on things, I love shoes, and I enjoy travel. New places to see and new adventures to have are some of my faves.

I dislike people being unkind, rude, presumptuous, or arrogant.

Also, as the blog title indicates- I have a soft spot in my heart for a nice cup of coffee (or four). Like the movie called “Death Becomes Her” means that death looks good on her, is agreeable with her, etcetera- coffee makes me look, sound, and feel better for myself and others. Thanks Coffee!

Hopefully, you will enjoy what I have to say. Maybe you’ll even have a product or business you’d like me to check out/ promote. Who knows?! And hopefully my technical skills will advance during the process. Let the blogging commence!